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Génial pour passer le temps !
Plutôt pas mal pour passer le temps !
Si Nice, i live ti.
Très bon jeu
Great gme
Funny Game
Better than hayday
This game is so cool is the Simpson taped out and Pokemon together and 1to100 I would give it 1000000000 lol :-) :-)
I had a wizard, which after updating has now become a brownie monster. Several of my rarer monsters have been replaced by a vampire bat. Not happy.
I love this game so much
Im honestly rating for the goal but I think the prices for things should be a little lower :/
Like the game...not a fan of how it keeps taking me to facebook randomly
Great game love the monsters keep up the great work
Very addictive
I think this is a great game!
5 star love this game so much