I LOVE THIS GAME, keep up the great work!!
I LOVE THIS GAME, keep up the great work!!
I think this is the best Halloween game I have ever played and I played a lot of Halloween games
The game its self is fun, but it feels like a quick cash grab. Half ✧f the monsters are glitchy ✧r facing the wrong way. And y✧u are spammed with p✧p ups asking y✧u t✧ spend 99$ ✧n s✧me shitty restore pack. PLUS H✧W THE F DO Y✧U UNLOCK NEW SKILLS? y✧u say "d✧ y✧u want t✧ spend x amount ✧f food t✧ unlock this skill?" And Im like sure, but whats this? N✧, yes ✧r n✧ button. 10/10 j✧b there 10/10
Awesome game love it
Its fun to make a city.
I do like the mysterious and fantastical things!
İts fantastic! When i was play,i am very enjoying.
Good game
Very cool
I love Halloween city
Nice game!
Fun and creepy, I like it ;)
I am becoming addicted to this game. Its fun to breed and raise monsters.
Great game not always a fan o making city things but this ones great
This game is amazing! Definitely download it if you like to breed, hatch, and battle with monsters. I recommend it to anyone and everyone.
Omg I love this game Im addicted to it and I love all my monsters.
I just got the game but I think it is like so awesome
This is a great game. Its really fun and if you get bored you can just go onto it and you wont be bored anymore
I really like this game and I usually delete games because its hard to find the right one but I finally found a perfect one for Halloween Im not gonna delete this and I cant wait to get the other one.